Location: India

Well im a simple guy with simple tastes(my friends will vouch for that). Im currently pursuing my B.Tech degree at IIT Bombay in computer sci. & engg. If you really need more information on me, mail me.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

On Free Time

On wednesday I finally experienced that euphoristic feeling that I just dont seem to get at IIT. Believe it or not guys I had "Free Time". Yup, time that I could spend in any way that I wanted without worrying about anything. Unfortunately I spent it worrying about how I looked carrying a cooker in one hand, a big Kadai in the other and a lot of mithai boxes somewhere in between(wish it was my mouth but then again Id get sick) at the International Airport.

What the heck was I doing with all that? Was I planning, in desperation due to the heat, to camp out at the airport in that nice air conditioned visitors lounge? No! Was I actually planning to force my way into the aircraft by cooking something? (somehow I vaguely recollect people running away when I started cooking once when I was about twelve. I never realised why they were running till it dawned upon me with a "POP". From then on I vowed to "cook" popcorn with the lid closed only)

Well let me tell all the bamboozled passengers and their "see-offers" what I was doing. I was actually supposed to be seeing off my mom who was off to the US to visit my sister. Now they(person or persons unknown) felt the need to carry a kadai and a pressure cooker all the way to the US the idea being that at the altutude at which the plane flies there is a huge danger from solar radiation. Thus, the huge kadai and cooker would absorb these radiations by the eddy current effect thereby protecting the aircraft.

The authorities seemed to think otherwise however and to my consternation I was forced upon the rather "shady" task of carrying the cooker and kadai outside. Thankfully the security guys did not think of me as a threat(after all not many bullets can penetrate a kadai). Their eyes were sympathetic to say the least. Thank God for that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the eddy current part was too good man....

5:23 AM  

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